Original works of art to avoid alcohol for the first time, the feeling, the person subjectively can be nasty. Due to This the negative effect of ethanol on the body, as well as the fact that had not yet borratxo recovered their state of health.
In the first few weeks of the from a person's negative may feel tired, often sick, should be subjected to episodes of depression. This reaction, and due to the decrease of the immunity and the fact that the body is still not s has adapted to the new conditions and trying to get back to normal. People in this stage tend to go back to grab the bottle, convinced that better that this and constantly suffering.
When the crisis passes and the body recovers ex-drinker will feel much better and even celebrate being able to. The improvements occur in:
- increase of the protection forces of the organism;
- to improve the condition of the skin;
- the improvement of the memory;
- the stability of the heart and blood vessels;
- the processes of normalization of digestion and urinary output.
Alcoholics, improvement in the General condition does not occur instantly, as soon as he stopped drinking. It will take some time for the body coped with the addiction. You must remember this, if I don't expect fast results.
4 Folk remedy for dependency on alcohol
Forever stop drinking, you can use the methods of traditional medicine to consolidate the results of medical treatment. The aim to develop in main and alcoholics disgust for a use of the subsequent alcohol.
Before proceeding directly to a treatment, a house, offers important to bring drunkenness and people to lead the un-normal state. This should get rid of the society of friends that provoke the regular use of alcoholic beverages
Sometimes you even need to un-change of place of permanent residence. Do No harm to acquaint the patient with the person who has managed to complete the un complete course of rehabilitation and games with the traditional methods of therapy.
The Strength of will

The easiest way I you an alternative at the same time and the more prosaic. There is nothing
powerful than your willpower. Of course, sometimes, the strong dependency produced on a purely physiological level, there's no escape, but still if you want to overcome the problems of this type, as is the case with the same drug, not. Don't even have too much for ex: without problems in soft mode – enough time to tell you that you do not want to drink. Original work of art that you should listen to his intention, simply to stop drinking.
There is no match, without cheating. Yes, some time it won't be good will be felt the characteristic physical discomfort, but not always. Then to improve the condition of, the easier it will be
And important to motivate yourself explain what sort of damage the body the use (and especially abuse of alcohol. It is necessary to develop the un system of moral compensations for the abandonment of habits harmful
And good Also control your been the fixation of every change of the un positive. Because really soon you will feel better and better. This means that you will have more and more stimulation to continue at the forefront of a style of life sober.
How to stop drinking forever: practical recommendations
That will take care of you.
The Woman says: "Husband drinks!" The children are looking at the drinking father. A time to take seriously.You can get a house to deal with the alcoholism? Everything depends on your preferences. But even if the disease is very far progressed has, there are a series of tools that can give together un positive result. Directors:
- Medications prescribed by a doctor, antidepressant, neuroleptic, nootropic drugs, means for the recovery of liver function, etc.
- Psychotherapy: individual and group.
- The encoding of the drugs or hypnosis.
The and the longest period in which you drank, the more difficult to overcome the addiction. Sometimes the sense drugs to come out and already impossible.
What support?
If there is a firm desire to be sober, to re-establish a Family and life — and the use of additional techniques:
- Make friends and associates. Shy — find un forum frequented alcoholics anonymous, nobody will know your face.
- To combat the stress, because that can cause the un new outbreak. If the medication and of little help to calm piegaro, then you have once again come to the doctor because he to adjust treatment and prescribing and certain pills pills.
- To fill life with meaning, to find a new job, a hobby, sport, read interesting books, to walk, to learn a you can cook.
Like any chronic disease, alcoholism can give you a relapse original work of art even in a long period of time. You need to stop drinking forever and do not swallow the alcohol, even the beer. More than a beer a day person, your wife, for some reason allows you to relax, I begin to think that there are no major problems. This does not offer as well. Malt drink contains the same alcohol and substances and other that can cause addiction.
Always remember that in the short term, the temptation may ruin all of your gains.
A few tips on how to stop drinking forever
- Avoid examine the les in place. collisions with alcohol, put everything in the house that there is still a "just in case" and "for others", you get to do the same for all families. Explain to the woman how help her husband to stop drinking, to make them articles also read on this topic.
- Don't go to the meetings and parties, if you know that there will be drinking. Love yourself and think about mainly themselves, as in the case of complaints when people who do not have to worry.
- Try to Stop communicate with those who suggested a drink, even if it is with your friends. Evitar that none of the meetings with the consumption of friends — that helps you a home on un ill, who die in an alcoholic.
- Fight the thoughts about the drink. Keep in mind that I wanted to learn in the childhood and take care of it. Whatever it is never too late to try. Even in fencing, and gymnastics can be enjoyed at any age.
- Don't Try to watch movies I read books on un lot of drinking. While not cured, do not read books like "How I stopped drinking", that might contain additional details that occur.
- In addition to the foot, it happens in the open air. As you pull a drink — do a race or something to chop wood, do the cooking, cooking class, or in a circle sewing.
- Bon'help to the regime of the day in which there will be no room for the drink. Work, Family, communication with children, walking, etc. Time to eat I to go to bed at the same time.
- If you can't completely give up alcohol, the experts advise companies to keep records of alcohol consumed. Then, if you can't see increasing the dose. They need to reduce gradually.
- But if you can do it — and that the best offers to completely give up all the alcohol.
Why do people drink?
Very often people, be surrounded by people who love to drink, drink. This offers mainly characteristic of the young people who are trying to imitate adults. Child watching parents drink at home, and it is considered that this type of behavior the norm.
Another reason for the fascination with the consumption of alcohol and the desire to forget the problems, the distractions. Unfortunately, the effect is the opposite: when you try to get rid of problems with alcohol, his phone number is only growing.
Due to the fact that alcoholic drinks give the person a feeling of euphoria, improve mood, many people with this purpose of their drinking. But sometimes the alcohol causes the opposite effect. Instead of the expected happiness, the person becomes irritable, it sent the fear, the anger, tormented by his own guilt.
Sometimes a person drinks out of habit. Psychological Appears on the dependence of the alcohol, and with regular use it occurs and physiological dependence.
Many with the help of alcohol resolve the problem of their integrity. Sense of alcohol, the person is sent lower. Other, then, trying to avoid examining the responsibility of his life, passing it on to others.
Often the cause of alcoholism and the feeling of guilt a person needs. In order to achieve this, people turn to alcohol. In addition, the addiction to alcohol can be explained sense of the guilt for the action, and it prevents live.
If you are s wondering how to stop drinking alcohol on your own, regardless of the reason for drinking alcohol, listening to some tips.
Disadvantages of the home therapy
Leave a house of drink and difficult, and important to follow a few rules
- The effect of the measures of a possible if the disease is at an early stage. When advanced stages observed physical and psychological disorders, to cope with which can only be un specialist.
- The patient has to want to get rid of bad habits. Forced a person to stop drinking will fail. In this case, the effect is only temporary.
- You will need to create the most comfortable conditions, protecting the patient from stressful situations, often causing a place, and giving your support.
- You will have to abandon completely the alcoholic beverages.
But still struggle with the consumption of alcohol in the home and rarely 100% successful. This situation caused for the following reasons:
- lack of the sufficient skills, knowledge and experience that is available to doctors;
- there is a un high risk of fractures;
- absent a strong motivation of the dependent person (to the best able to clinically recognize the danger of alcohol and the need to abandon bad habits);
- the lack of psychological support (even if close to the patient, sincerely, tries to help him that you can't instill in him that you will take the belief of success to stop drinking. This confidence and able to enter into therapist awareness only).
In addition, often become alcoholics to escape reality and forget about problems. In these cases, and necessary to find out the cause of the addiction to the alcohol and remove it from the that, accessible only to the specialist.
As well as to stop drinking drastically has another problem treatment at home becomes the impossibility attendance during alcohol intoxication. These are consequences of negative:
- high blood pressure;
- abnormal heart rhythm;
- heart failure;
- the improper functioning of the digestive system;
- delirium tremens (seriously in some cases serious).
The un specialist in this kind of cases and therapy of detoxification.
Not worth it to risk the health of a loved one. Help to stop drinking means to contact a company specialized clinic, the patient is provided medical assistance.
ATTENTION! This article contains information for guidance only and can be used as a guide for action. Provide assistance effective only pot or psychotherapist, psychiatrist-narcologist
How to stop drinking sense coding
People is close to an alcoholic as they are worried to get the drinker to stop drinking? The force will not work. You need to try to create human conditions that help to less thinking about the drink and not to contact her. Today almost every city has a un rehabilitation center. For example, a Odessa treatment for alcoholism make any sense coding, so to say "dry".
To get rid of alcohol l l addiction sense the assistance of a psychiatrist or coding methods that must fulfill three important conditions:
- A admit that the alcohol s has become a problem and interfere with normal life.
- In the list of the reasons why alcohol s has produced in his life.
- To identify the specific tasks that will help you to get rid of the addiction to alcohol.
Important stages on the path to sobriety:
- To get started, go to the mirror, objectively evaluate its appearance and say "it makes me 10 years older than his age. I have the circles under the eyes and double chin, not because I'M bad I've gone to sleep in my family all are thick, but, because I AM un alcoholic". Sounds like the show, but the sense to recognize the problem and impossible to do the next step.
- Talk with loved ones about your plans to stop drinking. Get their support in the difficult road. If someone of your acquaintances that there is no understanding, try to reduce the contacts and not to meet during the periods that involve the party. Even if bo and friends, the health, more than a car. But life will put everything in its place.
- For the right to decide why the alcohol s avoid. Remember the "pegs" on which you stumble upon when you became friends with the bottle. It can be: health problems, irritability, which led to fights in the family, loss of income, etc.
- State the purpose for which you need to stop drinking: to conceive, to regain the authority in the family, for a new post, to save on the alcohol and build a vacation home, etc. The objectives must be specific and achievable. Unfulfilled Fantasies can bring back.
- At the time of the rehabilitation to remove from the vocabulary of any self-justification. "Beer in alcohol of low drinks". "As I am in the night just a little" I". "A couple of drinks m will help you sleep." These and other similar phrase, the worst enemies of good intentions to stop drinking.
- Away from the temptation, remove all alcohol from the house. One of the shops to try to keep the alcohol Department not to fall into the field of view. Minimize the home meetings with clients that like to drink.
- Get the un and daily plan each day, so that it was more rugged. Take a little of the work of which he refused before. The less "Windows" for empty pastime less likely to have to think about the drink.
- Create classes for leisure. S has to be active, be fun, I distract the attention about the thought to alcohol.
- Go to a healthy diet. Eliminate from the diet foods that you use to consume liquor. Try the menu to be tasty, varied and fun. Small In this period of joy that does not make it bad.
- Find substitutes for stress original work of art to relieve him from the job. You can walk", " go to the movies, Hobbies, the gym classes, in the evening from you to you.
- Calculate the amount of money you spend on alcoholic drinks per month, week, day-to-day. To postpone them. You will be surprised as this was the cost run-down of the budget. The money saved to Buy something nice, useful or a delay in the acquisition of serious business.
- In Trying to see all the positive aspects. Sadness — director of the first and the temptation to return to the old habit. Don't let yourself MOPE, lament the could-have-beens nostalgic for the fun unlimited times. Simply switch your thoughts to something lighter.
- Take care of your health. Surely, you have a lot of work to make original works of art for a prolonged period of alcohol attacks your body. Consult your doctor — recommended vitamins, take the support well-being during the rehabilitation.
How to stop drinking with the help of coding

Talk about "how I quit drinking", many ex-drinkers recommend treatment for the traditional medicine, the treatment is done with the help of medical coding, including hypnosis. There are several types of encoding.
The advantages of this method is that the coding and the work carried out by him and the specialist, or the patient is under your control. The doctor prescribes dosage of the drug based on the clinical history of the patient and monitoring of the course of treatment. In the case of ill health, the doctor adjusts the treatment prescribed: reduce the dose, takes an antidote, to replace medicines, recommended to the un on the comprehensive treatment.
Medical coding
The patient's offers oral drugs or implantable. The action of these drugs is based on the principles of prevention of consumption of alcohol, because when it combines with the alcohol, show the patient symptoms of dizziness, weakness, nausea, heartbeat, irregular heart, seizures.
Oral If taking drugs leads to such unpleasant consequences, the implantable encoding, in addition to the same reaction to alcohol, yet the un procedure painful.
When implemented in coding, the patient on the skin make the incision depth of 3-4 cm, and in this cavity s implanted capsule that subsequently resolved. Before the incision is made the injection of local anesthesia.
In addition, the medical coding and necessarily accompanied by the provocation, and say, the doctor gives the patient to drink, from where it begins a sudden deterioration of health caused nausea, high blood pressure, vomiting, weakness. Then enter the antidote, which eliminates all these effects. Original work of art of the provocation, the patient is afraid to drink.
Coding method Dovzhenko

This method's proven for destinations decades. The method consists of hypnotic a impact on a patient. In this case, the patient is not immersed in a deep sleep, I have made the suggestion to give up alcohol for un certain period of wakeful house. The condition main to use this method strong and the desire to get rid of it and the refusal of alcohol alcohol for 6-7 days previš this procedure.
The advantages of this method, the encoding that is performed in a single session, it performs the processing in anonymous form, meaning of information transfer in a narcological clinic, the method and well combined with therapy and other forms of indifference to alcohol. And the Teacher Dovzhenko belongs to the authorship of the term "encoding", and deservedly this method un of the most efficient in the world. The disadvantages of Dovzhenko method can be attributed, then, that when it was encoding allows the instal·instal·lació a stop drinking at a certain time. Expect Some coded, the day in which the effect of the method of losing your original work of which you can start a new drink.
Laser coding of alcoholism
Since this method provides the effect on the body of the laser irradiation, is applied original work of art comprehensive of a study of the state of health and under the supervision of a doctor. Laser irradiation is performed destinations sometimes to get the effect. The purpose of this method – influence on blood of a patient that i treated. Because this method has many contraindications and side effects, is used it not very often, but effective enough to stop drinking.
The encoding of the alcoholism hypnosis

This offers a perhaps the most well known and popular form of encoding. Hypnosis provides the patient with the fear of alcohol consumption, with the objective of"self-preservation. The advantages of this method is not and we need to take special medicines. For one of the un treatment, and only necessary of the un desire to stop drinking and experienced specialist.
It also provides a provocation when implemented coding, only in small doses. Give the patient a few drops of alcohol on the tongue, resulting in the deterioration of health, up to the choking. All of these disappear original work of art the symptoms of the introduction of the doctor of the drug antidote. In addition, there is an aversion to alcohol, the patient there is a option that every time you try alcohol, all of these symptoms s must be repeated.
Popular recipes that will help to stop drinking
- The a of prepared decoctions of the herb of Hypericum. Pour 4 tablespoons of chopped herba de Sant Joan 500 ml of boiling water. The mixture was heated up to 30 minutes in a water bath. Infusion drink 2 times a day for 2 weeks. The patient must have an aversion to alcohol, and will drink.
- The un-prepared herbal decoctions of bearberry. Pour 2 tablespoons of leaves of bearberry with a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes. Tablespoon of broth to drink 6 times a day, this must help us to stop the addiction.
- The un-prepared herbal decoctions of oatmeal with calendula. Pour in a small can of oats, a quantity until around the middle of the tank. Pour the water and simmer over low heat lent for half an hour, drain. Pour in the broth 100 grams of flowers of marigold, to insist in heat of the 12 hours. To filter a drink of the un 3 times a day. At the end of the treatment, the patient should stop drinking alcohol.
- You will have to root for Laurel and lovage medicinal. Pour the crushed roots in a glass of vodka, infuse 2 weeks. The mixture resulting should be the alcoholic drink, causes a serious aversion to vomiting and alcohol.
- Crushed leaves Kapiti European pour un glass of boiling water, 2 weeks to insist in a dark place. About 100 ml of dye was mixed with the same amount of vodka I gave the patient in the morning and during lunch. In the night to give a drink with regular vodka. The Tool should be the cause of great vomiting, and the result is that the alcohol's to stop drinking.
- A Tablespoon of thyme, wormwood centaury I mix and pour un glass of boiling water. Insist 2 hours in a warm place, covered with a blanket. The solution to give un drain and an alcoholic for two months 4 times a day a tablespoon.
- Grind 20 g of yarrow, sage and mint. Add the crushed juniper berries, calamus, root Angelica (10 ml). Tablespoon of A composition, pouring the un glass of boiling water. I'm going to Insist the drink.
- Take 20 gr of Hypericum, yarrow, wormwood. Take 10 grams caraway drag and Angelica, add 15 g of mint and 5 g of juniper Marta. All grind. Tablespoon of the mixture pour un glass of boiling water and drink.
Teas that can kick the remains of the alcohol and the improvement of the health you need to drink as much as possible. If you are using several methods in the complex, and the possible to help people and achieve good results in overcoming the addiction at home. Counterproductive habit at home, to get rid of the problems possible! The desire of the patient to stop drinking alcohol gives lasting results, allows to defeat cravings for the alcohol to always.

To treat alcoholism methods traditional sense, the knowledge of the patient and very difficult, as the other herbs and raw materials for the un certain herbal teas have the taste and smell. Add herbal teas and boiled with alcohol, an alcoholic can guess about their intentions. This will cause an attack of aggression. Therefore, to fight alcoholism best with the herbs and a house with the consent of the patient. If the patient refuses treatment and you believe that the alcoholism and not your problem, and best to try other methods of treatment for the dependence and the alcohol in the home.